Our Mission

Our Mission

The Goal of the City of Fort Wayne is to become the safest City of our size in the United States of America. It is the mission of the Fort Wayne Fire Department to prevent the loss of life and to control or reduce the loss of property by applying all of our professional knowledge and resources. We will accomplish this mission through fire suppression, rescue, code enforcement, public education, fire investigation, and professional development training. It is our number one priority to provide the best fire service to all citizens and visitors of our great city.


Fort Wayne Fire Department

The Fort Wayne Fire Department proudly protects over 255,000 citizens living in an area of 110.5 square miles. We provide 24- hour fire protection to residential and businesses in the city of Fort Wayne. We operate out of 18 strategically located stations throughout the city. Our department is a public department whose members are on a full time paid status. We have an ISO rating of 2.