ABOUT Fort Wayne indiana


Fort Wayne Indiana

Fort Wayne is the second-largest city in the state of Indiana, and the hub of Northeast Indiana. The city is in the middle of a thrilling revitalization and quickly becoming a point of destination in the Midwest.

Fort Wayne Indiana

Fifth Safest City

InsuranceProviders.com rated Fort Wayne the Fifth Safest City in the U.S. 

Fort Wayne Indiana

Best To Raise a Family

SmartAsset named Fort Wayne Best Place in the Country to Raise a Family 

Fort Wayne Indiana

Top Places to Move to in U.S.

Reader’s Digest chose Fort Wayne as One of the Top Places to Move to in the U.S.

Fort Wayne Indiana

First in Nation for Job Creation

Fiscal Times magazine rated Fort Wayne First in the Nation for Job Creation

Fort Wayne Indiana

Best Run City

WalletHub named Fort Wayne the third best-run city in the country and number one in Indiana for 2021

Fort Wayne Indiana

All American City

Fort Wayne has been an All-America City 4 times