Alameda Police Department

Chief of Police, Nishant Joshi

Beginning his career with the Oakland Police Department in 1998, Chief Joshi has held several key leadership positions. He was promoted to Captain in 2014 and began serving as OPD’s Deputy Chief in February 2021. Chief Joshi earned a B.S. degree in Criminal Justice from California State University, Hayward, and an M.A. degree in Organizational Leadership from Saint Mary’s College in Moraga.


The Alameda Police Department is a team of dedicated men and women committed to providing:

  • Professional, proactive, and personable police services
  • Collaborative problem-solving with other governmental and community organizations
  • An open relationship with citizens focused on improving their quality of life.

Statement of Values

We, the members of the Alameda Police Department, have dedicated ourselves to public service. By choosing a career in law enforcement we recognize the community holds us to the highest standards of conduct. We ensure the public trust through our conscious commitment to the following values:

Integrity Is The Foundation Of Our Profession

We are honest, open and fair in our dealings with ALL people. We build community trust by accepting responsibility for our actions, learning from our mistakes, and ensuring our behavior promotes credibility. We recognize and respect people as individuals, and value the diversity of our community. We hold ourselves to the highest standards of our profession. We recognize society has entrusted us with tremendous authority and expects that we have the courage to do what is right in matters of personal and professional integrity. We accept the responsibility to do what is right, even in the face of adversity.

Community Service

Our continuing commitment is to provide quality service to the community with respect, concern, caring, and equal treatment of all people.

We strive to meet the challenge of protecting our community while safeguarding the rights of all individuals. We are responsive to the concerns of our community. We maintain a caring attitude and empathize with those we serve. We welcome and seek an active partnership with the community in carrying out our responsibilities. We recognize that to be an effective law enforcement agency we must have the support, confidence, and trust of our community.

Employee Recognition

We value our fellow employees, recognizing that the human resource is our greatest asset. We encourage open communication and the sharing of ideas through teamwork. We acknowledge everyone’s hard work and praise those who excel at their jobs. We strive to treat everyone with the same respect, dignity, courtesy, and consistency that we expect from others.


We are committed to maintaining an environment that promotes and encourages a tradition of professionalism. We value a solid work ethic. We demand accountability through critical analysis and the application of consistent standards. We promote continued professional development through quality recruitment, education, and training. We recognize the changing needs of our community and will demonstrate the flexibility necessary to meet them. We take great pride in our services and accomplishments. We value leadership at all levels of the organization.

Alameda Police Officers are:

  • Highly Motivated
  • Problem Solvers
  • Decision Makers
  • Team Players
  • Open Minded
  • Well Educated
  • Willing to Learn

Leadership Pledge

As members of this Department, we are leaders in our organization and community. Through teamwork and innovation, we strive to provide mentorship, training, equipment, and support; encourage collaborative problem solving and maintaining high morale. We are committed to the principles of leadership and will continue to strengthen relationships within our community by remaining true to our core values of integrity, professionalism, and service.